The Young Women and Relief Society in our ward worked together to do a Humanitarian project. The Young Women cut out the items to be sewed and ladies in the Relief Society volunteered to sew the items. The Lady coordinating the volunteer sewers called and asked about how much sewing experience and skill each volunteer had because some would sew up rectangular bags, some would sew up shirts and some would sew slippers. Of course, I have plenty of experience and I can sew anything, so I got slippers to sew up.
The bag of cut fabric sat in my bedroom for a couple of weeks. Then I finally cleared off my sewing machine and decided it was time to sort through the pieces of fabric for the slippers. Another week later, the deadline was coming close. When I finally started sewing, Angela was my work partner. I probably sewed for 6 hours all together. But while I was sewing, a song came to my mind and I began to sing:
"Have I done any good in the world today, Have I helped anyone in need...." I was able to sing 2 verses and the only words I had to stop and think about were the ones that had been changed after I learned it in my childhood. It reminded me of the talk Julianna gave in Sacrament meeting about memorizing a hymn. Then a new song came to mind. This time a primary song. As I sang it, I realized I should have told it to Julianna before she gave her talk. Neither Angela nor Julianna knew this song: "If, on occasion you have found your language is in question, or ugly thoughts come to your mind, then heres a good suggestion. Just Hum your favorite Hymn, Sing out with vigor and vim, and you will find it clears your mind. Hum your favorite Hymn".
But my mind did not stop there.... and since I had so long to sew, I had plenty of time to think. I told Angela, that sewing these slippers reminded me of the Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale about the Elves and the Shoemaker. Angela was not familiar with that fairy tale.
All in all, I was glad that I did the project. Even though it was a lot of work, I appreciated Angela standing by and helping me and I was happy with my finished project.
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