Saturday, January 12, 2008

What Traditional School vs. Home-school Teaches:

I have children who attended Public school, and children who have been home schooled and children who have done a combination of the two.
This is my analysis of what is taught at public school and what home school teaches.
Listed first is what public school teaches and listed opposite it is what home school teaches.

Be on time to work-----Be responsible about how you spend your time

Do what Boss / Teacher says-------Make your own decisions

Be an employee-------------------Be Creative
--Go when they say “Go”------Work until you get to a logical stopping place
--Stop when they say “Stop”
--Do work to please or satisfy boss---Do work to please yourself

Deadlines----------------------------Give projects the time they need
--Take your work home with you or stay late

Learn to Leave the house----------Learn to Keep house

Sit unless allowed to move--------Move around at will

Be Quiet----------------------Talk, Communicate, Visit with others

Suppress your feelings and needs:---Listen to your feelings and needs
----Bathroom (not until the break-------Bathroom
-----between classes)
----Hunger (not until “lunch time”)-----Eat when you're hungry
----Energy (not until recess)--------------Energy

Study what they tell you to.------------Study what interests you.
----(leads to forgetting)------------------(leads to learning)

Associate only with-------Build long term relationships with Family.
those your own age.
-----------------------------Learn from people who know what you want:
-----------------------------Leads to cross generational interaction

Rush out the door.------------------Take time to care for body:
Often get less sleep than needed------------Sleep
Often skip breakfast or eat on the run-----Eat
--------------------------------------------------Brush teeth

Ignore or against religion--------Teaches (passes on) religious faith.
---------------------------------------Plenty of time for:
-------------------------------------------Scripture study
-------------------------------------------Teaching conversations

Rush, Hurry,-----------------Relax, I have been given the time I need
----I am so busy------------------- Everyone has 24 hours each day to---------------------------------------------use as they choose

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